🏥 한국에서 병원에 간다면? / What if I go to the hospital in Korea? 🏥
우선 한국에서 처음 병원을 가게 되면 뭐가 뭔지 알기 쉽지 않아.
각국의 병원 체계도 다르기 때문이야. 응급 상황에서 더 혼돈이 오게 되기도 하지.
그래서 오늘 한국 병원에서 사용하는 용어들을 정리해줄게.
First of all, when you go to the hospital for the first time in Korea, it is not easy to know what is what.
It's because each country's hospital system is different. It also leads to more confusion in emergencies.
So I'll summarize the terms used in Korean hospitals today.
처음 병원에 방문하게 된다면 간호사가 물어 볼거야!
“ 초진이세요? 재진이세요? “
이때 당황하지말고 기억해둬!
초진: 해당 진료과에서 처음으로 진찰
재진: 의사와 초진을 한 후 다시 하는 진찰
아마 대부분의 외국인 유학생들은 무조건 초진일거야.
만약 그 병원에 다시 간다면 그게 재진인거야!
하지만 같은 병원이더라도 1년 넘게 방문 안하다가 갔을 경우에도 초진으로 진료를 받을수 있어.
그럴때는 예전에 방문했었다고 이야기를 해주면 돼.
If you visit the hospital for the first time, the nurse will ask!
" Are you new to this? "Are you Jaejin?"
Don't panic and remember!
First visit: First visit to the appropriate clinic
Re-examination: A re-examination after a first visit with a doctor
Most foreign students are definitely new to the hospital.
If you go to the hospital again, that's a re-examination!
But even if it's the same hospital, if you don't visit for more than a year, you can get treatment for the first time.
In that case, you can tell me that you visited before.
이렇게 의사와 단 둘이서 진료를 받게 되었을 때는 아픈 곳을 최대한 많이 이야기 해줘야 해!
그래야 정확한 진단을 할 수 있어! 이때 영어를 써도 돼.
만약에 진료 중에 의사가 "이런 이런 진료를 해야 될 것 같다. 괜찮으세요?" 묻는다면 일단 국민건강보험이 적용되는지 물어 봐야 해!
비급여 진료라면, 정말 필요할 때만 하는 것이 좋아.
비급여란 보험이 적용이 안되는 진료들을 이야기 하는거야.
보험처리가 안되기 때문에 병원비가 많이 나올 수 있어.
When you're alone with a doctor like this, you have to tell him as much as you can!
That way, you can make an accurate diagnosis! You can use English at this time.
If the doctor says, "I think I need to do this kind of treatment." Are you okay?" If you ask, you should ask if the NHS is covered first!
If it's a non-payment treatment, it's better to do it only when you really need it.
Non-payment refers to medical treatments that are not covered by insurance.
The hospital bill can be high because the insurance is not covered.
병원에서 흔히 쓰이는 단어들을 영어로 설명해뒀어
I explained the words that are commonly used in hospitals in English
혈액검사 - A blood test to check the levels of different substances in the blood, such as glucose, cholesterol, and red and white blood cells.
진단 - Diagnosis, the identification of a disease or condition based on symptoms, examination, and test results.
치료 - Treatment, the medical care given to a patient for an illness or injury.
수술 - Surgery, a medical procedure that involves cutting into the body to repair, remove, or replace a damaged or diseased part.
처방전 - Prescription, a written order from a doctor for the dispensing of a specific medication.
검사 - Test, a medical examination or procedure to check for the presence or extent of a disease or condition.
약물 - Medication, a drug used to treat or prevent disease or illness.
예방접종 - Vaccination, the process of administering a vaccine to stimulate the immune system to develop immunity to a specific disease.
환자 - Patient, a person who is receiving medical treatment for an illness or injury.
병원 - Hospital, a medical facility where patients receive treatment, surgery, and other forms of medical care.
수액 - Intravenous therapy, a medical treatment that involves injecting fluids, such as saline solution, directly into a patient's vein.
마취 - Anesthesia, the use of drugs to prevent a patient from feeling pain during a medical procedure.
치아 - Tooth, one of the hard, white structures in the mouth used for biting and chewing.
조직검사 - Biopsy, the removal of a small amount of tissue from a part of the body for examination under a microscope to determine if there is cancer or another disease.
재활 - Rehabilitation, the process of restoring a patient's physical, mental, and emotional functioning after an illness or injury.
진료비 - Medical expenses, the cost of medical treatment and care, including fees for doctors, hospitals, medications, and other related services.
복용 - Dosage, the amount of medication prescribed and taken at a specific time and frequency.
선천적 - Congenital, a condition present at birth or acquired during prenatal development.
발작 - Seizure, a sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbance in the brain that can cause changes in behavior, movements, or sensations.
고혈압 - Hypertension, a condition characterized by abnormally high blood pressure in the arteries, which can lead to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.
If you're curious about more various tips for living in Korea?
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